Mother playing with sons


2024 Commission Meeting Dates: 

January 18 Rescheduled to January 30, February 15 Rescheduled to February 29, April 18, May 16, July 18, October 17, and December 4. All meetings will be held at 9:00AM unless otherwise
noted. For prior meeting agendas, handouts and summaries,
please contact us.



Date & Time Information Location Download
Commission Meeting Valley Mountain
Regional Center 
702 N. Aurora St. 
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2- Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3- Executive Director’s Report
Agenda Item 4- Accept the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Family Stabilization Funding in the Amount of $133,000 from the San Joaquin County Human Services Agency for Help Me Grow San Joaquin Services; Allocate California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Family Stabilization Funding In Lieu of County Contingency Funds in the Amount of $133,000 for the Renewal of Family Resource & Referral Center for $72,500, United Cerebral Palsy for $16,000, Harder+Company Community Research for $11,060, and First 5 San Joaquin for $13,440; and Approve an Amendment of $20,000 for Family Resource & Referral Center Help Me Grow Utilizing California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Family Stabilization Funding from $300,000 to $320,000 for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
Agenda Item 5- Accept the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Mental Health and Substance Abuse Funding in the Amount of $627,344 from the San Joaquin County Human Services Agency for Journey Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids; Allocate California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Mental Health and Substance Abuse Funding for the Renewal of San Joaquin County Child Abuse Prevention Council for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Home Visitation Services for up to $249,000, Runyon Saltzman, Inc. for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention Campaigns for up to $200,000, Harder+Company Community Research for Evaluation Services for up to $15,715, and First 5 San Joaquin for Coordination Services and Materials for $162,629; and Approve Amendments of $200,000 for Runyon Saltzman, Inc. from $359,000 to $559,000 for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention Campaigns and $15,715 for Harder+Company Community Research from $308,200 to $323,915 for Evaluation Services Utilizing CalWORKs Mental Health and Substance Abuse Funding for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
Agenda Item 6.1- Commission Meeting Minutes May 16, 2024
Agenda Item 6.2- Revised Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Commission Budget
Agenda Item 6.3- Revised Ten-Year Financial Plan
Agenda Item 7- Commission Communications

5.16.24  9:00AM Commission Meeting Valley Mountain
Regional Center 
702 N. Aurora St. 
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 Executive Director's Report
Agenda Item 4 - Approve Recommendations for FY 2023-2024, FY 2024-2025, and Ten-Year Financial Plan
Agenda Item 4A - Revised 2023-2024 Commission Budget
Agenda Item 4B - FY 2024-2025 Commission Budget - Amended
Agenda Item 4C - FY 2024 - 2025 Commission Budget Narrative
Agenda Item 4D - Ten-Year Financial Plan F5SJ
Agenda Item 5.1 - Commission Meeting Minutes April 18, 2024
Agenda Item 6 - Commission Communications

4.18.24  9:00AM Commission Meeting Valley Mountain
Regional Center 
702 N. Aurora St. 
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2 - Approve Recommendation of Nominating Committee for Commission Chair and Vice Chair
Agenda Item 3 - Annoucement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4 - Executive Director's Report
Agenda Item 5 - Harder+ Co Presentation Home Visitation Initiative Newsletter
Agenda Item 5A - F5SJ Home Visitation Initiative Newsletter
Agenda Item 6 - Harder+Co Presentation HousingWORKs Initiative Newsletter
Agenda Item 6A - F5SJ HousingWORKs Initiative Newsletter
Agenda Item 7 - Runyon Saltzman, Inc. Presentation Strategic Communications Update
Agenda Item 8 - Public Hearing on First 5 California Annual Report Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Agenda Item 8A - First 5 California Annual Report Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Agenda Item 9 - Accept Sunlight Giving Funding in the Amount of $235,000 to Support Help Me Grow Initiative
Agenda Item 10 - Approve Recommendation to Apply for the Office of the Asst Secretary for Health Community Level Innovations for Improving Health Outcomes Grant
Agenda Item 11 - Approve Review Panel Recommendation to Award the RQ! IMPACT Legacy FFN to El Concilio California and Family Resource & Referral Center
Agenda Item 11A - RQ! IMPACT Legacy Review Panel List
Agenda Item 11B - Score Summaries
Agenda Item 12 - Discuss, Accept, and Approve Funding for Runyon Saltzman, Inc.
Agenda Item 13 - Discuss and Approve Funding for Harder+Company Community Research
Agenda Item 14.1 - Approve Commission Meeting Minutes February 29, 2024
Agenda Item 15 - Commission Communications


Commission Meeting

San Joaquin County Public Health Services
1601 E. Hazelton Ave. - Conference Room 145 A
Stockton, CA 95205

Agenda Item 2 - Appointment of Commissioners
Agenda Item 3 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4 - Executive Director's Report
Agenda Item 5 - Appoint Ad Hoc Committee to Make Recommendations for Commission Chair and Vice Chair
Agenda Item 6 - Discuss and Approve Annual Renewal Recommendations and Funding Amounts for FY 2024-2025 - WORKs
Agenda Item 7 - Discuss and Approve the Annual Renewal Recommendation and Funding for FY 2024-2025 - HMG, SJ TEETH, HVI, Workforce Development
Agenda Item 8.1 - Approve Commission Meeting Minutes January 30, 2024
Agenda Item 9 - Commission Communications
Commission Meeting  The Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 9:00AM is RESCHEDULED to Thursday, Februrary 29, 2024 at 3:00PM. Agenda/Rescheduled
Valley Mountain
Regional Center 
702 N. Aurora St. 
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 3 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4 - Executive Director's Report
Agenda Item 5 - Approve Acceptance of CalWORKs HSP Funding
Agenda Item 5A - ACWDL 09-27-23
Agenda Item 5B - ACWDL CalWORKs HSP Notice of Funding Director Certification 
Agenda Item 5C - CFL 23-24_35 23-24 CalWORKs HSP Allocation
Agenda Item 6 - Approve Annual Renewal and Funding Amounts for 24-25
Agenda Item 7.1 - Approve Commission Meeting Minutes December 6, 2023
Agenda Item 7.2 - Revised 2023-2024 Commission Budget
Agenda Item 7.3 - Revised Ten-Year Plan
Agenda Item 8 - Commission Communications



The Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 18,2024 at 9:00AM is RESCHEDULED to Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 9:00AM.



Date & Time Information Location Download
Commission Meeting 

Valley Mountain
Regional Center 
702 N. Aurora St. 
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2- Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3- Executive Director’s Report
Agenda Item 4- First 5 Presentation on Characteristics of Families Served 2023
Attachment 4A- First 5 San Joaquin Characteristics of Families Served FY 22-23
Agenda Item 5- First 5 Presentation on Home Visiting Coordination & Workforce Development Update
Agenda Item 5A- Workforce Development Evaluation Summary
Agenda Item 6- Public Hearing on First 5 San Joaquin Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and the Annual Audit
Attachment 6A- First 5 San Joaquin 2023 Audited Financial Statements
Attachment 6B- First 5 San Joaquin 2023 Governance Communication 
Attachment 6C- Annual Report Form 1 (AR-1) County Revenue and Expenditure Summary
Attachment 6D- Annual Report Form 2 (AR-2) Demographics Worksheet
Attachment 6E-Annual Report Form 3 (AR-3) County Evaluation Summary
Agenda Item 7- Public Hearing to Approve the First 5 San Joaquin Strategic Plan Annual Review for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Attachment 7A Annual Review of Strategic Plan 2023
Agenda Item 8- Discuss and Approve Amendments to HousingWORKs Agreements 2023-2024

Agenda Item 9.1- Commission Meeting Minutes July 20, 2023
Agenda Item 9.2- Commission Meeting Minutes October 19, 2023
Agenda Item 9.3.1- Revised 2023-2024 Commission Budget
Agenda Item 9.3.2- Revised Ten-Year Plan
Agenda Item 10- Commission Communications


Commission Meeting

Valley Mountain
Regional Center 
702 N. Aurora St. 
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2- Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3- Executive Director’s Report
Attachment 3A - Letter from Creative Child Care, Inc.
Agenda Item 4- Accept the Improve and Maximize Programs so All Children Thrive (IMPACT) Legacy Funding in the Amount of $893,846 from First 5 California Through the Fiscal Lead Agency of El Dorado County Office of Education and Approve the Release of a Request for Applications for Services Targeting Family, Friend, and Neighbor Providers in the Raising Quality! IMPACT Legacy Program
Agenda Item 5- Discuss and Approve the Amendments to Increase the Expanded Housing Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (HousingWORKs) Initiative Mini-Grant for Preventative Services Contracts for Amelia Ann Adams Whole Life Center, El Concilio California, and Tracy Community Connections Center, each from $50,000 to $99,308, for the Period of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
Agenda Item 6- Approve the Application of  Nominees for Advisory Committee
Attachment 6A- Membership and Terms Listing Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Attachment 6B- Application for First 5 San Joaquin Advisory Committee Membership
Agenda Item 7.1- Approve Commission Meeting Minutes July 20, 2023
Agenda Item 7.2- Approve Revised Commission Budget Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Agenda Item 8- Commission Communications

7.20.23 9:00AM

Commission Meeting Valley Mountain
Regional Center
702 N. Aurora St.
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Executive Director's Report
Agenda Item 4 - Harder+Company Presentation - IMPACT Newsletter Report
Agenda Item 4A - Harder+Company - IMPACT Newsletter Report
Agenda Item 5.1 - Commission Meeting Minutes May 18, 2023 - DRAFT
Agenda Item 6 - Commission Communications


Commission Meeting

Valley Mountain
Regional Center
702 N. Aurora St.
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2- Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3- Executive Director’s Report
Agenda Item 4- Runyon Saltzman, Inc. Presentation - Strategic Communications Campaign Update
Agenda Item 5- Discuss and Approve Finance/Audit Committee - May 8, 2023 Meeting Recommendations to Approve the Revised Commission Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and Approve the Commission Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Attachment 5A- Finance/Audit Committee Meeting Minutes-Approved 5.8.23
Attachment 5B- Ten Year Financial Plan FY 2022-2023
Attachment 5C- Commission Report FY 2022—2023 Q2
Attachment 5D- Commission Report FY 2022—2023 Q3
Attachment 5E- Revised FY 2022-2023 Commission Budget
Attachment 5F- Commission Budget FY 2023-2024
Attachment 5G Commission Budget Narrative FY 2023-2024
Attachment 5H- Cumulative penalty Report
Agenda Item 6.1- Commission Meeting Minutes April 20, 2023
Agenda Item 7- Commission Communications


Commission Meeting Valley Mountain
Regional Center
702 N. Aurora St.
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 3 – Approve Recommendation of the Nominating Committee for Commission Chair and Vice Chair
Agenda Item 4 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 5 – Executive Director’s Report
Agenda Item 6 – Public Hearing on First 5 California Annual Report Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Agenda Item 6A – First 5 California Annual Report Fiscal Year

Agenda Item 7 – Harder+Company Community Research Presentation – First 5 San Joaquin SJ TEETH Evaluation Report 2021-2022
Attachment 7A – Harder+Company Community Research - First 5
San Joaquin SJ TEETH Evaluation Report

Agenda Item 8 – Discuss and Approve the Annual Renewal Recommendations and Funding Amounts for the Raising Quality! Family, Friend, and Neighbor Grandparent Initiative for a Total of $1,012,138 for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Agenda Item 9 – Discuss and Approve an Amendment of $34,227 for Harder+Company Community Research for Evaluation of the Raising Quality! Family, Friend, and Neighbor Grandparent Initiative for a Total of $455,773 for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Agenda Item 10.1 - Commission Meeting Minutes March 30, 2023


Special Commission Meeting Valley Mountain
Regional Center
702 N. Aurora St.
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 3 – Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4 - Executive Director Report
Agenda Item 5 – Appoint Ad Hoc Committee to Make Recommendations for Commission Chair and Vice Chair
Agenda Item 6 - Approve Review Panel Recommendation to Award the Expanded Housing Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Initiative to Amelia Ann Adams Whole Life Center for $500,000 and St. Mary’s Dining Room for $500,000 for the Period of May 15, 2023 to June 30, 2024
Attachment 6A – Review Panel Contact List
Attachment 6B – Amelia Ann Adams Whole Life Score Summary
Attachment 6C – St. Mary’s Dining Room Score Summary
Attachment 6D – Central Valley Low Income Housing Corporation Score Summary
Attachment 6E – El Concilio California Score Summary
Attachment 6F – Ready To Work Score Summary
Attachment 6G – Faith in Action Community Education Services Score Summary
Attachment 6H – Victory Over Individual Challenges Score Summary
Agenda Item 7 - Discuss, Accept, and Approve Funding for Runyon Saltzman, Inc. in the amount of $490,000 for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Agenda Item 8 - Discuss and Approve Funding for Harder+Company Community Research in the amount of $421,546 for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Agenda Item 9 - Discuss and Approve an Amendment of $85,000 from CalWORKs Family Stabilization for JourneyWORKs for San Joaquin County Child Abuse Prevention Council for a Total of $288,000 for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Agenda Item 10.1 - Commission Meeting Minutes February 16, 2023
Agenda Item 10.2 - Approve the Use of Previously Approved Help Me Grow Funds of $83,415 for Use in Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Agenda Item 10.3 - Approve Recommendation to Apply for First 5 California Regional Technical Assistance for Home Visiting Coordination and Integration Funds for $100,000 for Fiscal Years 2023-2025
Agenda Item 10.4 - Approve Recommendation to Apply for First 5 California Improve and Maximize Programs so All Children Thrive Legacy Funds for Fiscal Years 2023-2027


Valley Mountain
Regional Center
702 N. Aurora St.
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda- Amended
Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4 - First 5 Presentation on Characteristics of Families Served 2021-2022
Agenda Item 5 - Public Hearing on First 5 San Joaquin Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and the Annual Audit
Attachment 5A – First 5 San Joaquin 2021 Financial Statements
Attachment 5B – First 5 San Joaquin 2021 Governance Letter
Attachment 5C - Annual Report Form 1 (AR-1) County Revenue and Expenditure Summary
Attachment 5D - Annual Report Form 2 (AR-2) Demographics Worksheet
Attachment 5E - Annual Report Form 3 (AR-3) County Evaluation Summary
Agenda Item 6 - Public Hearing to Approve the First 5 San Joaquin Strategic Plan Annual Review 2022
Attachment 6A – Annual Review of Strategic Plan 2022
Agenda Item 7 - Discuss and Approve the Acceptance of CalWORKS Housing Support Program Funding and Expansion of Eligibility to Include Homeless Prevention from the California Department of Social Services
Attachment 7A – All County Welfare Directors Letter 9.21.2022
Attachment 7B - First 5 San Joaquin Executive Director’s Housing Support Program Memorandum 10.20.2022
Attachment 7C – CalWORKs Housing Support Program FY 2022-23 Director’s Certification
Attachment 7D – All County Welfare Directors Letter 1.4.2023
Agenda Item 8 - Discuss and Approve the Annual Renewal Recommendations and Funding Amounts for Fiscal Year 2023-2024: Quality Early Learning for $1,294,775, Child Health and Development for $859,005, Resilient Families for $3,432,638, and Strong Systems for $245,275 for a Total of $5,831,693
Agenda Item 9 - Discuss and Approve the Annual Renewal Reccommendations and Funding Amounts for Fiscal Year 2023-2024: JourneyWORKs for $627,344, FamilyWORKs for $3,121,913, HousingWORKs for $1,481,917, and Help Me Grow for $573,000, for a Total of $5,804,174
Agenda Item 10.1 - Commission Meeting Minutes November 14, 2022
Agenda Item 10.2.1 - Approve Revised Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Commission Budget
Agenda Item 10.2.2 - Approve Revised 10-Year-Plan
Agenda Item 10.3.1 - Approve the Application of Nominees for the Advisory Committee
Attachment 10.3.1.A - Advisory Committee Membership and Term Listing



The Commission Meeting scheduled for Monday, January 9, 2023
at 9:00AM is CANCELLED.

See agenda/cancelled


Date & Time Information Location Download
12.07.2022 Rescheduled Commission Meeting The Commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 8:30am is RESCHEDULED to Monday, January 9, 2023 at 9:00am. Agenda/Rescheduled
11.14.22 9:00AM Special Commission Meeting Valley Mountain
Regional Center
702 N. Aurora St.
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4 - Approve San Joaquin County Purchasing Director Recommendation to Deny the Appeal of Red Rabbit Advocacy Program for the Expanded Housing Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (HousingWORKs) Mini-Grant for Preventative Services for Request for Proposals
Attachment 4A - Appeal Letter
Attachment 4B - Application Review and Selection Policy (July 2016)
Attachment 4C - Appeal Response Letter
Agenda Item 5 - Accept $2,450,000 From San Joaquin County to Fund the Continuation of Multiple Programs for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Agenda Item 6.1 - Commission Minutes September 29, 2022
Agenda Item 6.2 - Commission Minutes October 20, 2022
Agenda Item 7 - Commission Communications

10.20.22 8:30AM Commission Meeting Valley Mountain
Regional Center
702 N. Aurora St.
Stockton, CA 95202
Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4 - RSE Presentation - Strategic Communication Update
Agenda Item 5 - Approve SJC Purchasing Director Recommendation
Agenda Item 5A - Red Rabbit Advocacy Programs Appeal
Agenda Item 5B - Application Review and Selection Policy
Agenda Item 5C - SJC Purchasing and Support Services Recommendation
Agenda Item 6.1- Commission Minutes Sept 29, 2022
9.29.22 8:30AM Commission Meeting

Valley Mountain
Regional Center
702 N. Aurora St.
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2- Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4- Approve Review Panel Recommendation to Award the Expanded Housing Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Initiative Mini-Grant for Preventative Services for the Period of October 3,2022-June 30, 2022
Agenda Item 4A- Review Panel Contact List
Agenda Item 4B- Amelia Adams Whole Live Center Score Summary
Agenda Item 4C- El Concilio California Score Summary
Agenda Item 4D- Tracy Community Connections Center Score Summary
Agenda Item 4E- Red Rabbit Advocacy Center Score Summary
Agenda Item 5- Approve the Application of Nominee for the Advisory Committee
Agenda Item 5A- First 5 San Joaquin Advisory Committee Membership Terms Listing FY 22-23
Agenda Item 6.1- Commission Minutes July 21, 2022
Agenda Item 9 Commission Communications
Commission Meeting Valley Mountain
Regional Center
702 N. Aurora St.
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2- Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4- Harder + Company Community Research Presentation – First 5 San Joaquin Raising Quality! IMPACT 2020 Family, Friend, and Neighbor Initiative
Attachment 4A- Raising Quality! IMPACT 2020 Family, Friend, and Neighbor Report
Agenda Item 5- Home Visitation Coordination Workforce Development Action Plan Presentation
Attachment 5A- Home Visitation Workforce Development Strategic Action Plan
Attachment 6.1- Commission Minutes May 19, 2022
Attachment 6.2- First 5 San Joaquin 2022-2023 Evaluation Matrix
Agenda Item 7- Commission Communications

Commission Meeting

Valley Mountain
Regional Center
702 N. Aurora St.
Stockton, CA 95202

Agenda Item 2- Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4- Harder + Company Community Research –
First 5 San Joaquin WORKs Newsletter Presentation

Attachment 4A- First 5 San Joaquin The WORKs Programs Newsletter
Agenda Item 5- Discuss and Approve Finance/Audit Committee
May 4, 2022 Meeting Recommendations to Approve the Revised Commission Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and Approve the Commission Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023

Agenda Item 5A- Finance Audit Committee Meeting Minutes 5.4.22 DRAFT
Agenda Item 5B- Commission Budget 2021-2022 Amended
Agenda Item 5C- Quarterly Report to the Commission 1st Quarter
Agenda Item 5D- Quarterly Report to the Commission 2nd Quarter
Agenda Item 5E- Quarterly Report to the Commission 3rd Quarter
Agenda Item 5F- Commission Budget 2022-2023 Amended
Agenda Item 5G- 2022-2023- Commission Budget Narrative Amended
Agenda Item 6.1- Commission Minutes April 21, 2022
Agenda Item 7- Commission Communications

4.21.22 8:30AM Commission Meeting

Commission Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 990 4198 7965
Passcode: 586103
1+(669) 900-6833

Agenda Item 2- Approve Recommendation of the Nominating Committee for Commission Chair and Vice Chair
Agenda Item 3- Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4- Executive Director’s Report
Agenda Item 5- Public Hearing on First 5 California Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Attachment 5A- First 5 California Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Agenda Item 6- Runyon Saltzman, Inc. Presentation – Strategic Communications Update
Agenda Item 7.1 Commission Meeting Minutes February 17, 2022
Agenda Item 7.2 Approve the Release of a Request for Proposal to Expand the CalWORKs Housing Support Program, Locally known as Housing Work Opportunity, and Responsibility to Kids (HousingWORKs) Program
Agenda item 7.3 Approve an Amendment of $10,000 from San Joaquin County Public Health Services Funding for Harder+Company Community Research for a Total of $476,273 for Fiscal Year 2022-2023


Commission Meeting

Commission Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 5631 1826
Passcode: 587093
1+(669) 900-6833

Agenda Item 2- Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4- Appoint Ad Hoc Committee to Make Recommendations for Commission Chair and Vice Chair
Agenda Item 5- Public Hearing and Approval of the First 5 San Joaquin Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Attachment 5A- First 5 San Joaquin Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Agenda Item 6- Harder+Company Community Research (Harder+Co.)- First 5 San Joaquin Retrospective Newsletter Presentation
Attachment 6A- Harder+Company Community Research (Harder+Co.) F5SJ Retrospective Newsletter
Agenda Item 7- Acceptance of CalWORKs Housing Support Program Round One Funding and Expansion of Eligibility to include Homelessness Prevention from the California Department of Social Services
Agenda Item 8- Discuss, Accept, and Approve funding for Runyon Saltzman, Inc. in the Amount of $718,000 for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Agenda Item 9- Discuss and Approve the Annual Renewal Recommendations and Funding Amounts for: JourneyWORKs for $647,494, FamilyWORKs for $3,097,250, HousingWORKs for $1,299,837, Help Me Grow for $663,000, and Harder + Company Community Research for $466,273, for a Total of $6,173,854 for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Agenda Item 10.1- Commission Minutes December 2, 2021
Agenda Item 10.2- Approve an Agreement with Melanie Estarziau, Home Visitation Consultant, for $26,000 for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Agenda Item 10.3- Approve the Amended 2022-2023 Renewal Funding Amounts for Proposition 10 Funded Programs for an Increase of $120,417 with a New total of $2,528,755
Agenda Item 11- Commission Communications


Date & Time Information Location Download


Commission Meeting

Commission Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 974 6508 3662
Passcode: 968635
(669) 900-6833

Agenda Item 2- Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4- F5SJ Characteristics of Families Served 2020-2021
Agenda Item 4A- F5SJ Characteristics of Families Served Presentation

Agenda Item 5- Public Hearing on First 5 San Joaquin Annual Report for 2020-2021 and the Annual Audit
Agenda Item 5A- First 5 San Joaquin 2021 Final Financial Statements
Agenda Item 5B- First 5 San Joaquin 2021 Governance Letter
Agenda Item 5C- AR1 SJ Revenue and Expenditure Summary
Agenda Item 5D- AR2 SJ Demographic Worksheet
Agenda Item 5E- AR3 SJ Evaluation Summary and Highlights
Agenda Item 6- Approve Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Agenda Item 6A- Strategic Plan Draft 2022-2027
Agenda Item 6B- Attachment Strategic Planning Tasks & Timelines
Agenda Item 7- Approve Recommendation of Funding Expanding HVI RFP
Agenda Item 7A- APSARA score summary 11.5.21
Agenda Item 7B- DHC score summary 11.5.21
Agenda Item 8- Approve Recommendation of Funding IMPACT RFP
Agenda Item 8A- FRRC Score Summary
Agenda Item 8B- Catholic Charities Score Summary
Agenda Item 8C- El Concilio Score Summary
Agenda Item 9- Approve Hubbe as Database Vendor
Agenda Item 10- Annual Renewals 2022-2023 Discuss and Approve
Agenda Item 11.1- Commission Minutes October 28, 2021 DRAFT
Agenda Item 11.2- Finance Committee November 15, 2021
Agenda Item 11.2.1- Revised
2021-2022 Commission Budget First 5 SJ 20491

Agenda Item 11.2.2- Ten Year Financial Plan First 5 SJ 2021-2022
Agenda Item 11.2.3- Commission Report Qs 1- 4 FY 2020-2021
Agenda Item 11.2.4- Commission Report 2021-2022 Q1
Agenda Item 11.2.5- Revenue and Spending Trends Graph
Agenda Item 11.2.6- 5Y Projected to Actual Budget
Agenda Item 11.2.7 Finance Late Reports-Cumulative Penalty Log
Agenda Item 12- Commission Communications


Commission Meeting

Commission Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 930 1638 4165
Passcode: 990201
(669) 900-9128

Agenda Item 2 Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4 Runyon Saltzman Inc.-Presentation
Agenda Item 5 Planning Committee 10.15.21 Summary AMENDED
Agenda Item 5 Planning Committee Supplemental Agenda 10.15.21 AMENDED
Agenda Item 5 Strategic Planning Tasks and Timelines
Agenda Item 5.1 Values Statement Recommendations
Agenda Item 5.2 New Strategic Plan Goal Areas
Agenda Item 5.3 Program Recommendations AMENDED
Agenda Item 6.1 Minutes for September 30, 2021
Agenda Item 6.2 Allocation $100,000 From the COVID-19 Special Projects to the First 5 PLAY Program
Agenda Item 7 Commission Communications
Agenda Item 10 Executive Director's Report
Agenda Item 10A Database Table


Commission Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 8025 8786
Passcode: 490517
(669) 900-9128

Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Executive Director's Report
Attachment 3A - Media Advisory
Agenda Item 4 - Draft Planning Committee Meeting Minutes - 9.1.2021
Attachment 4A - Vision and Mission Considerations
Attachment 4B - Vision and Mission Statement Revision Recommendations
Attachment 4C - Strategic Plan Values Statement
Attachment 4D - Strategic Planning Tasks and Timelines
Attachment 4E - Strategic Planning Focus Group Key Findings
Attachment 4F - Community Survey Findings
Attachment 4G - Planning Committee Meeting Minutes - Draft 9.21.2021
Attachment 4H Harder Presentation of Data Findings
Agenda Item 5 Accept 4.2 million from San Joaquin County
Agenda Item 5A First 5 Board of Supervisor Presentation
Agernda Item 6 Accept San Joaquin County Public Health Services Proposition 56 Funds
Agenda Item 7 Approve Review Pannel Reccomendation Expanded HVI
Agenda Item 7A Review Pannel Particpant List
Agenda Item 7B CHC Score Summary
Agenda Item 7C YMCA Score Summary
Agenda Item 7D VIP Score Summary
Agenda Item 8.1 Commission Meeting Minutes 7.29.21 DRAFT
Agenda Item 8.2 IMPACT Amend Agreements for APSARA and MMCS
Agenda Item 8.3 Approve Commission Staff Request to Review & Reccomend a Web or Cloud Based Care Management System
Agenda Item 9 Combined Commission Communications

Commission Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 4889 9807
Passcode: 080082
One tap mobile
+16699009128, 97548899807#, *080082# US (San Jose)

Agenda Item 3 -Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 4 – Executive Director’s Report
Agenda Item 5 – Harder + Company Community Research – Raising Quality! IMPACT 2020 Family, Friend, and Neighbor Initiative
Agenda Item 5A First 5 San Joaquin Raising Quality Report
Agenda Item 6 Planning Committee Updates on the Strategic Plan 2022 Process
Agenda Item 6A Planning Committee -Strategic Plan Tasks and Timelines
Agenda Item 6B Planning Committee -Vision and Mission Statement
Agenda Item 7 Reccomend and Approve Impact Expansion Funding Of Catholic Charities and El Concilio
Agenda Item 7A Review Panel Participant List
Agenda Item 7B EL Concilio Score Summary
Agenda Item 7C Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Stockton
Agenda Item 7D Mary Magdalene Community Services
Agenda Item 8 First 5 Presentation on Home Visiting Coordination and Home Visitation Strategic Plan
Agenda Item 8A Home Visiting Strategic Plan Executive Summary
Agenda Item 8B Home Visiting Strategic Plan
Agenda Item 9.1 Commission Minutes May 20, 2021 and June 24, 2021
Agenda Item 9.2 Approve $5,000 for the Community Health Needs Assessment 2022 to Dignity Health
Agenda Item 9.2A Community Health Needs Assesment Partner Support
Agenda Item 9.3 Approve $165,000 to UniteUs for a Pilot Web-Based Database for FamilyWORKs for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Agenda Item 9.3A UniteUs Home Visiting Program First 5 2022
Agenda Item 10 Commission Communications Combined

Commission Meeting Join Webex meeting
Phone Number:
Access Code/Meeting Number:
1829 78 8901
Meeting Password: gYjAk4ySe34
(49525497 from phones and video systems)
Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Discuss and Approve Recommendations for Revised Commission Budgets
FY 2020-2021, FY 2021-2022 and a
Ten-Year Financial Plan

Agenda Item 3A - Revised Commission
Budget FY 2020-2021

Agenda Item 3B - Commission Budget
FY 2021-2022

Agenda Item 3C - Revised Ten-Year Plan
Agenda Item 4 - Discuss and Approve Funding for CMC, Inc., JourneyWORKs FY 2021-2022
Agenda Item 5 - Commission Communications
5.20.21 8:30AM Commission Meeting

Join Webex Meeting
Phone Number:
Access Code/Meeting Number:
182 680 7844
Meeting Password: huMUp97sYp4
(48687977 from phones and video systems)

Agenda Item 3 - Executive Director's Report
Agenda Item 3A - First 5 Association of CA May Revise Overview
Agenda Item 4 - Harder + Company Community Research-COVID-19 Newsletter Presentation
Agenda Item 4A - F5SJ COVID-19 Newsletter
Agenda Item 5 - Accept 2M Dollars From SJC and Funding Allocation FY 2021-2022
Agenda Item 6 - Discuss and Approve Funding for FRRC Coaching FY 2021-2022
Agenda Item 7 - Discuss and Approve Strategic Plan for Planning Implementation During 2021
Agenda Item 7.2 - Strategic Plan Updated Timeline
Agenda Item 7.3 - Strategic Plan Focus Group Implementation
Agenda Item 8.1 - Commission Minutes 4.15.21
Agenda Item 9 Commission Communications

4.15.21 8:30AM Commission Meeting Join Webex Meeting
Phone Number:
Access Code/Meeting Number:
182 809 7165
Meeting Password: A3jtgCJN6c4
(23584256 from phones and video systems)

Agenda Item 3 - Approve Recommendation of Chair & Vice Chair
Agenda Item 4 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 5 - Harder + Company Presentation - WORKs
Agenda Item 5A Harder + Company FamilyWORKs
Agenda Item 5B Harder + Company WORKs
Agenda Item 6 - Executive Director's Report
Agenda Item 7 - Public Hearing on First 5 CA Annual Report 2019-2020
Agenda Item 7A First 5 CA Annual Report 2019-2020
Agenda Item 8 - RSE Presentation-Strategic Communications Update
Agenda Item 9 - Discuss and Approve Planning Committee Recommendations
Agenda Item 10.1 - Minutes 03.03.21
Agenda Item 11 - Commission Communications


Commission Meeting

Join Webex Meeting
Phone Number:
1 415 655 0001
Access Code/Meeting Number:
182 432 2503
Password: JNmvgQPm876
(56684776 from phones and video systems)

Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Executive Director's Report
Attachment 3A - Executive Director's Report
Agenda Item 4 - Appoint Ad Hoc Committee
Agenda Item 5 - Special Needs Presentation
Attachment 5A - Special Needs Report
Agenda Item 6.1 - Minutes 01.14.21
Attachment 6.2 - Evaluation Committee Minutes 01.25.21
Agenda Item 6.2.1 - Evaluation Matrix for FY 2020-2021
Agenda Item 6.3 - Approve the Transfer of Funds to IMPACT 2020 and COVID-19 Special Expenses Funds
Agenda Item 7 - Approve the use of Preschool and Kindergarten Bridge Funds
Attachment 7A - Approve the use of Preschool and Kindergarten Bridge Funds
Agenda Item 8 - Approve Renewal and Funding for WORKs programs and HMG
Agenda Item 9 - Approve Renewal and Funding for RQ! IMPACT 2020 FFN Initiative
Agenda Item 10 - (Amended) Approve Annual Renewal for RSE
Agenda Item 11 - Commission Communications Combined



Commission Meeting The Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 8:30am is RESCHEDULED to Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 8:30am. Agenda/Rescheduled



Commission Meeting

Join Webex Meeting
Phone Number:
1 415 655 0001
Access Code/Meeting Number:
126 863 6052
Password: 6KduXRM3hF3
(65389763 from phones and video systems)

Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Executive Director's Report
Agenda Item 3A - 1st Quarter Highlights and Successes
Agenda Item 4 - Public Hearing - Annual Report and Annual Audit 2019-2020
Agenda Item 4 - Attachment A - F5SJ Audit and Financial Statements 2019-2020
Agenda Item 4 - Attachment B - F5SJ SAS at Conclusion
Agenda Item 4 - Attachment C - Annual Report Form 1 Revenue and Expenditure Summary
Agenda Item 4 - Attachment D - Annual Report Form 2 Demographic Worksheet
Agenda Item 4 - Attachment E - Annual Report Form 3 - Evaluation Summary and Highlights
Agenda Item 5 - Public Hearing - F5SJ Strategic Plan Annual Review 2019-2020 and Strategic Plan Extension through 2022
Agenda Item 5 - Attachment A - Annual Review of Strategic Plan 2020
Agenda Item 5 - Attachment B - Strategic Plan Extension 2018-2021 through FY 2022
Agenda Item 6.1 - Minutes 10.22.20
Agenda Item 6.2.1 - 2020-2021 F5SJ Commission Budget
Agenda Item 6.2.2 - Commission Ten Year Financial Plan
Agenda Item 6.2 - Finance Committee Summary Draft - 1.4.21
Agenda Item 6.2 - Attachment A - Quarter 2 Fund Report 19-20
Agenda Item 6.2 - Attachment B - Quarter 3 Fund Report 19-20
Agenda Item 6.2 - Attachment C - Quarter 4 Fund Report 19-20
Agenda Item 6.2 - Attachment D - Finance Late Reports Log
Agenda Item 6.2 - Attachment E - Revenue and Spending Trends Graph
Agenda Item 6.2 - Attachment F - Projected to Actual Budget Comparison
Agenda Item 6.3.1 - Planning Committee Summary Draft 11.13.20
Agenda Item 7 - Annual Renewal Recommendations and Funding Amounts for 21-22
Agenda Item 8 - SJ TEETH 2017-2020 Report Presentation
Agenda Item 8 - Attachment 8A - SJ TEETH 2017- 2020 Report
Agenda Item 8 - Attachment 8B - SJ TEETH Fact Sheet - English
Agenda Item 8 - Attachment 8C - SJ TEETH Fact Sheet - Spanish
Agenda Item 9 - Commission Communications Combined


Date & Time Information Location Download



Commission Meeting The Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 8:30am is CANCELLED.

See agenda/cancellation notice.



Commission Meeting

Join Webex Meeting
Phone Number: 1 415 655 0001
Access Code/Meeting Number:
126 388 8119
Password: 9bNKSFXV3c3
(92657398 from phones and video systems)

Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Executive Director Report
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment A - COVID-19 Kids in Cars Event
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment B - Impartial Analysis of Measure X
Agenda Item 4 - F5SJ Presentation - Characteristics of Clients Served FY 2019-2020
Agenda Item 4 - Attachment A - Fact Sheet
Agenda Item 5.1 - Meeting Minutes September 17, 2020
Agenda Item 6 - RSE Presentation - Strategic Communications Update
Agenda Item 7 - Commission Communications Combined



Special Commission Meeting Join Zoom Meeting
Phone Number: 1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 936 4633 4606
Passcode: 594544
Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Executive Director Report
Agenda Item 4 - Accept Prop 56 and CalWORKs funds, Approve Allocation of COVID-19 funds, Approve SJ TEETH Rollover, Approve RSE Amendment
Agenda Item 5.1 - Meeting Minutes 8.27.20
Agenda Item 6 - Commission Communications Combined




Join Zoom Meeting:
(you may need to register)
1(669) 900-6833; or
1(346) 248-7799; or
1(253) 215-8782
Webinar ID: 959 1724 5499
Passcode: 594544

Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Approve Recommendation to Award RQ! IMPACT 2020 FFN
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment A- Review Panel Participants
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment B - MMCS Proposal Score Summary
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment C - El Concilio Proposal Score Summary
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment D - APSARA Proposal Score Summary
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment E - FRRC Proposal Score Summary
Agenda Item 4.1 - Minutes 7.16.2020
Agenda Item 4.1 - Minutes 7.24.2020
Agenda Item 4.2 - Approve Equipment and Material Inventory Donations
Agenda Item 5 - Commission Communications



Special Commission Meeting Join WebEx Meeting:
(you may need to register).
Dial: (415) 655-0001;
Access Code/Meeting Number – 1262241573; Attendee ID - 85999732
Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Discuss and Approve Funding for HousingWORKs Program



Commission Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
(you may need to register)
1 669 900 6833 or 1 346 248 7799 or
1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 938 5170 6941
Password: 594544

Agenda - Amended
Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Executive Director Report
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment A - RFQ Flyer
Agenda Item 4 - RQ! IMPACT Evaluation Presentation
Agenda Item 4 - Attachment A - RQ! IMPACT Evaluation Newsletter
Agenda Item 5.1 - Minutes 4.23.20
Agenda Item 5.1 - Minutes 5.21.20
Agenda Item 5.2 - Approve Agreement with Home Visitation Consultant
Agenda Item 5.3 - Approve Revised FY 2020-2021 Commission Budget
Agenda Item 5.3 - Attachment A - 2020-2021 Commission Budget
Agenda Item 6 - Announce Committee Assignments
Agenda Item 7 - Commission Communications
Agenda Item 7 - Attachment A - First 5 Renewals Board Letter
Agenda Item 7 - Attachment B - Article
Agenda Item 7 - Attachment C - FY 2020-21 State Budget Package Overview
Agenda Item 7 - Attachment D - SJC Public Health Services Annual Report

6.15.20 Special

The Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, June 15, 2020 at 8:00am is CANCELLED.

See agenda/cancellation notice.



Commission Meeting Join Zoom Meeting
1 669 900 6833 or 1 346 248 7799
Webinar ID: 990 0727 3713

Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Executive Director Report
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment A - BOS Presentation
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment B - Sponsorships
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment C - Commission Committees
Agenda Item 4 - Annual Report Public Hearing
Agenda Item 4 - Attachment A - 2018-2019 Annual Report
Agenda Item 5 - Home Visiting Evaluation Presentation
Agenda Item 5 - Attachment A - Home Visiting Evaluation Newsletter
Agenda Item 6 - HousingWORKs Funding
Agenda Item 6 - Attachment A - Notice of Termination
Agenda Item 7 - Attachment A - 2019-2020 Commission Budget
Agenda Item 7 - Attachment B - 2020-2021 Commission Budget
Agenda Item 7 - Attachment C - 2020-2021 Commission Budget Narrative
Agenda Item 8.1 - Minutes
Agenda Item 8.2 - Approve Applying for Home Visiting Funding
Agenda Item 9 - Expanded 0-18 Commission
Agenda Item 10 - Provide Direction on 0-18 Commission
Agenda Item 10 - Attachment A - 0-18 Commission Memo
Agenda Item 10 - Attachment B - WORKs Infographic




Commission Meeting

Meeting to be conducted via Conference Call for Commissioners and Public Dial in to meeting

USA Toll Free number: 888-557-8511
USA Toll Number: 215-446-3649
Access Code: 9533515

Please note that public comments need to be sent via email at

Agenda Item 3 - Approve Recommendation of the Nominating Committee for Commission Chair and Vice Chair
Agenda Item 4 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 5 - Executive Director Report
Agenda Item 5 - Attachment A - Contractor Meeting Presentation
Agenda Item 5 - Attachment B - Sponsorships Updates
Agenda Item 7.1 - Minutes 2.20.20
Agenda Item 7.2 - Evaluation Committee Minutes 1.30.20
Agenda Item 7.3 - Approve an Increase in Funding for the IMPACT 2020 for the FRRC Family Child Care
Agenda Item 7.4 - Approve an Increase in Funding for the HousingWORKs Program Funding Amount for Central Valley Low Income Housing Corp
Agenda Item 7.5 - Retroactively Approve Emergency Funding of $70,000 to FRRC for the Purchase of Materials, Goods, Supplies and Retention Awards for Providers
Agenda Item 7.6 - Approve Appointments to the Advisory Committee
Agenda Item 7.6 Attachment A - M. Chapman Application
Agenda Item 7.6 Attachment B - C. Murray Application
Agenda Item 7.6 Attachment C - Advisory Committee Membership
Agenda item 8 - Communications Combined



Commission Meeting San Joaquin County Public Health Services
1601 E. Hazelton Avenue
Stockton, CA

Agenda Item 2 - Announcement of Recusals
Agenda Item 3 - Executive Director Report
Agenda Item 3 - Attachment A - Sponsorships for 2019-2020
Agenda Item 4 - Appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to Make Recommendations for Commission Chair and Vice Chair
Agenda Item 5 - F5SJ Preschool Presentation
Agenda Item 5 - Attachment A - Preschool Newsletter_CAPC
Agenda Item 5 - Attachment B - Preschool Newsletter Lincoln USD
Agenda Item 5 - Attachment C - Preschool MUSD
Agenda Item 5 - Attachment D - Preschool SUSD
Agenda Item 5 - Attachment E - Preschool Newsletter TUSD
Agenda Item 6 - Accept CalWORKs Funding From Mental Health and Substance Abuse; Accept PHS Prop 56 Funding; Approve Annual Renewals for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 for RSE, Harder, F5SJ
Agenda Item 7 - Discuss and Approve Annual Renewals for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 for FamilyWORKS, HousingWORKs, and JourneyWORKs
Agenda Item 8 - Accept CalWORKs Funding for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 HMG; Allocate use of HMG funding; Approve funding for Renewal of HMG services including UCP, FRRC Call Cent, F5SJ
Agenda Item 9 - Approve F5SJ Staff Recommendation to Apply for IMPACT 2020 Funds for FY 2020-2023; Award Funding to FRRC for HMG and Coaching for FY 2020-2021
Agenda Item 10 - Approve the Release of Three RFQs for FES Targeting FFN Providers in the RQ! IMPACT 2020 Program
Agenda Item 11 - Approve Amendment of Funds with RSE Utilizing Unspent Funds from SJ TEETH and RQ! IMPACT for FY 2019-2020
Agenda Item 14 - Commission Communications