Welcome to the
Home Visiting Network!

The Home Visiting Network online space provides resources for home visiting professionals that address emerging issues and the collective professional development needs of the field. This site is collaboratively developed and maintained by the Home Visiting Coalition and its partnering organizations,
and First 5 San Joaquin.

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The Benefits of Home Visiting

By meeting families where they are, home visiting programs have demonstrated short- and long-term impacts on the health, safety, and school-readiness of children; maternal health; and family stability and financial security. Home visitors are able to meet with families in their home and provide culturally competent, individualized needs assessments and services. This results in measured improvements in the following outcomes: healthy babies, safe homes and nurturing relationships, optimal early learning and long-term academic achievement, and supported families.

Home Visiting in San Joaquin County

San Joaquin County has several home visiting programs currently providing quality services to families. Home visiting is a proven early childhood service delivery strategy that matches expectant families and families with young children with a trained home visitor—often a parent educator, nurse, social worker, or early childhood specialist—who provides individualized, family-centered supports during the critical development period of pregnancy and a child’s first years. Home visitors meet with families in their home or a location of their choosing, including virtually due to COVID-19. Home visiting programs aim to support the whole family by providing resources and building skills for parents and their children, simultaneously.

Below is a listing of agencies administering home visiting
programs and initiatives in San Joaquin County.

Child Abuse Prevention Council Early Head Start Home-Based

Early Head Start Home-Based programs offer home-based services that assign dedicated staff who conduct weekly visits to children in their own home and work with the parent and child.

Community Action Partnership of Kern Early Head Start Home-Based

Early Head Start Home-Based programs offer home-based services that assign dedicated staff who conduct weekly visits to children in their own home and work with the parent and child.

First 5 San Joaquin FamilyWORKs

The FamilyWORKs program provides home visitation services to CalWORKs families with children ages 0 to 3.

First 5 San Joaquin Home Visitation Initiative

The First 5 Home Visitation Initiative provides home visitation services to help parents prepare children for school success and make healthy lifestyle changes.

San Joaquin County Office of Education Early Head Start/Head Start Home-Based

Head Start Home-Based programs offer home-based services that assign dedicated staff who conduct weekly visits to children in their own home and work with the parent and child.

San Joaquin County Public Health Services Healthy Families
San Joaquin

Home visit or virtual appointments provided with a Family Support Specialist. This evidence-based program focuses on strengthening parent-child relationships and interactions.

San Joaquin County Public Health Services Nurse Home Visiting Program

Provides home visits for high-risk families and infants for care referrals and coordination, developmental assessments and parent education.

San Joaquin County Public Health Services Cal-InSPIRE

The purpose of Cal-InSPIRE is to provide support for families with children aged 1-5 who have a special health care condition.