Trauma Informed Care Session - Trauma and Trauma Triggers
Learning the four types of traumas and what triggers are associated with them. Engage in discussion of how trauma affects us differently.
Home Visiting Learning Exchange: Community Safety & Poverty Bias Training
Location: Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Assembly Room 3, 2101 E. Earhart Ave., Stockton
ASQ & ASQ:SE Training
Location: Virtual
This session will provide training on how to administer the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) system - ASQ-3 and ASQ:Social Emotional (SE).
For more information or if you have questions, please call Cathy Sprints at 209-953-7223 or email at
The Neuroscience of Self-Care in Home Visiting – Part 1 (Training Session)
This is a 2-part series. Registration covers both sessions, and we strongly encourage attending both for the full experience.
Mindful Leadership Series w/Dr. Ernie Mendes – Emotional Intelligence (business hours option)
Participants may register for one or all sessions. Please note that Emotional Intelligence and Difficult Conversations will have two options, daytime option and an evening option to support administrators who may not be able to attend during business hours.